QAASC Services

Functions and Responsibilities

Quality Assurance Framework

Quality Enhancement Initiatives

Functions and Responsibilities

The QAASC aims to uphold academic excellence, promote quality assurance, and support the holistic development of students within Covenant University by fulfilling the following functions and responsibilities.

Establish and Uphold Academic Standards

  1. Define and maintain high academic standards in accordance with Covenant University’s mission, vision, and values.
  2. Develop and review policies, procedures, and guidelines related to academic programmes, curricula, and assessment practices.
  3. Ensure that academic programmes meet accreditation standards, regulatory requirements, and best practices in higher education

Oversee Quality Assurance Processes

  1. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of quality assurance mechanisms and procedures across all academic units and departments.
  2. Conduct periodic reviews and assessments of academic programs, facilities, and support services to identify areas for improvement and enhancement.
  3. Implement strategies to address issues related to academic integrity, student grievances, and ethical conduct.

Review Curriculum and Program Development

  1. Review and approve proposals for new academic programmes, courses, and curriculum in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.
  2. Ensure that curriculum design and development align with industry trends, technological advancements, and educational best practices.
  3. Facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation in curriculum design to promote holistic learning and skill development.

Facilitate Assessment and Evaluation

  1. Develop and implement a comprehensive assessment framework to measure student learning outcomes and program effectiveness.
  2. Provide guidance and support to faculty members in designing assessment methods, tools, and rubrics aligned with learning objectives.
  3. Analyse assessment data and outcomes to inform decision-making, curriculum improvements, and instructional strategies.

Promote Faculty Development and Recognition

  1. Organize workshops, seminars, and professional development sessions to enhance faculty members’ teaching effectiveness, research productivity, and professional growth.
  2. Recognize and reward faculty members who demonstrate excellence in teaching, research, and service to the university community.
  3. Support faculty members in pursuing scholarly activities, research grants, and collaborative projects to advance knowledge and innovation.

Support Student Engagement and Success

  1. Develop initiatives to enhance student engagement, participation, and success in academic and co-curricular activities.
  2. Provide academic advising, tutoring services, and mentorship programs to assist students in achieving their academic and personal goals.
  3. Promote a culture of inclusivity, diversity, and respect to create a supportive learning environment for all students.

Engage Stakeholders and Partnerships

  1. . Foster partnerships and collaborations with industry partners, government agencies, and community organizations to enhance the relevance and impact of academic programs.
  2. Solicit feedback and input from students, alumni, employers, and other stakeholders to inform decision-making and programmatic improvements.
  3. Establish advisory boards or committees comprised of external experts and industry leaders to provide guidance and support on strategic initiatives.

Ensure Compliance and Accreditation

  1. Ensure compliance with accreditation standards, regulatory requirements, and quality assurance frameworks relevant to higher education.
  2. Prepare and submit reports, documentation, and evidence required for accreditation reviews and audits.
  3. Coordinate with accreditation bodies, external auditors, and regulatory agencies to facilitate accreditation processes and ensure on-going compliance.

Quality Assurance Framework

This Quality Assurance Framework serves as a roadmap for ensuring academic excellence, fostering continuous improvement, and promoting innovation in teaching, learning, and research within Covenant University.

Policy and Governance

  1. Establish policies, procedures, and guidelines for quality assurance in alignment with institutional goals, accreditation standards, and regulatory requirements.
  2. Define the roles, responsibilities, and authority of stakeholders involved in quality assurance processes, including faculty, administrators, staff, and students.
  3. Ensure transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct in all aspects of quality assurance governance and decision-making.

Curriculum and Programme Evaluation

  1. Conduct regular evaluations of academic programs, courses, and curricula to assess alignment with programmatic goals, learning outcomes, and industry needs.
  2. Use a variety of assessment methods, including student surveys, focus groups, peer reviews, and external evaluations, to gather feedback and data on program effectiveness.
  3. Utilise evaluation findings to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) and make recommendations for curriculum improvements and enhancements.

Teaching and Learning Effectiveness

  1. Monitor teaching and learning effectiveness through classroom observations, course evaluations, student assessments, and faculty performance reviews.
  2. Provide faculty members with resources, training, and support to enhance pedagogical skills, instructional strategies, and technology integration in teaching.
  3. Promote innovation and best practices in teaching and learning through the adoption of evidence-based approaches, active learning techniques, and student-centred methodologies.

Assessment and Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop and implement assessment strategies to measure student learning outcomes, competencies, and achievements across academic programs and disciplines.
  2. Align assessment methods and tools with programmatic goals, accreditation standards, and industry expectations to ensure relevance and rigor.
  3. Use assessment data to inform curriculum development, instructional planning, and continuous improvement efforts aimed at enhancing student learning and academic success.

Faculty Development and Support

  1. Provide faculty members with opportunities for professional development, including workshops, seminars, conferences, and mentorship programs focused on teaching, research, and service.
  2. Recognize and reward faculty members who demonstrate excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service through awards, grants, and promotions.
  3. Foster a culture of collaboration, collegiality, and shared governance among faculty members to promote continuous learning and growth.

Student Support Services and Resources

  1. Ensure the availability of comprehensive student support services, including academic advising, counselling, tutoring, and career development, to facilitate student success and retention.
  2. Implement strategies to address the diverse needs and backgrounds of students, including those from underrepresented groups, international students, and students with disabilities.
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of student support services through on-going assessment, feedback mechanisms, and outcome measures to identify areas for improvement and enhancement.

Continuous Improvement and Innovation

  1. Foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation in academic programs, instructional practices, and administrative processes through regular assessment, reflection, and adaptation.
  2. Encourage experimentation, risk-taking, and creativity among faculty members, administrators, and staff to explore new approaches and solutions to challenges in higher education.
  3. Establish mechanisms for sharing best practices, lessons learned, and success stories within the university community and beyond to inspire collaboration and replication of successful initiatives.

External Engagement and Recognition

  1. Collaborate with external stakeholders, including employers, industry partners, professional organizations, and accreditation bodies, to benchmark against best practices and standards.
  2. Seek accreditation and recognition from reputable organizations and agencies to validate the quality and credibility of academic programs and institutional operations.
  3. Engage in on-going dialogue and communication with external stakeholders to solicit feedback, share information, and foster partnerships that contribute to the enhancement of academic quality and relevance.

Quality Enhancement Initiatives

The QAASC aims to promote a culture of excellence, innovation, and continuous improvement in teaching, learning, and research within Covenant University through the following quality enhancement initiatives:

Faculty Development Programs

  1. Develop and implement a series of faculty development workshops, seminars, and training sessions focused on enhancing teaching effectiveness, instructional design, and assessment practices.
  2. Offer specialized training in emerging technologies, digital pedagogies, and online learning strategies to facilitate faculty members’ transition to blended and remote teaching modalities.
  3. Provide opportunities for faculty members to participate in peer mentoring, classroom observations, and collaborative learning communities to share best practices and innovative approaches to teaching and learning.

Curriculum Innovation Projects

  1. Launch interdisciplinary curriculum innovation projects aimed at integrating real-world experiences, problem-based learning, and experiential learning opportunities into academic programs.
  2. Facilitate faculty-led curriculum redesign initiatives to update and modernize course content, learning outcomes, and instructional materials to reflect current industry trends and employer expectations.
  3. Pilot new educational technologies, instructional methodologies, and assessment tools in select courses or programs to evaluate their effectiveness and scalability for broader implementation.

Student Success Initiatives

  1. Implement student success initiatives, such as academic advising workshops, study skills seminars, and time management training, to equip students with the skills and resources needed to excel academically.
  2. Expand peer mentoring and tutoring programs to provide academic support and guidance to students at risk of falling behind or experiencing academic challenges.
  3. Enhance career development services, internship opportunities, and job placement assistance to help students transition successfully from academia to the workforce or graduate studies.

Research and Innovation Grants

  1. Establish research and innovation grant programs to support faculty members’ scholarly activities, collaborative research projects, and innovative teaching initiatives.
  2. Provide seed funding, equipment grants, and travel grants to encourage faculty members to pursue interdisciplinary research collaborations, external funding opportunities, and scholarly publications.
  3. Recognize and reward faculty members who demonstrate excellence in research, innovation, and scholarly dissemination through competitive grant awards, research fellowships, and publication incentives.

Technology-Enabled Learning Solutions

  1. Invest in technology-enabled learning solutions, such as learning management systems, virtual laboratories, and multimedia resources, to enhance student engagement, interactivity, and accessibility in online and blended courses.
  2. Develop digital literacy workshops, technology training modules, and online tutorials to equip faculty members and students with the skills and competencies needed to leverage educational technologies effectively.
  3. Establish a technology innovation fund to support faculty-led projects that explore the integration of emerging technologies, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence, into teaching and learning environments.

Accreditation Preparation and Support

  1. Provide faculty members, department chairs, and program coordinators with guidance, resources, and training to prepare for accreditation reviews, self-assessment processes, and programmatic evaluations.
  2. Conduct mock accreditation visits, peer reviews, and quality audits to identify areas for improvement, address compliance gaps, and enhance documentation and evidence gathering practices.
  3. Collaborate with external consultants, accreditation experts, and peer institutions to benchmark against best practices, share lessons learned, and ensure alignment with accreditation standards and criteria.

Cross-Collaborative Projects and Partnerships

  1. Facilitate cross-collaborative projects and partnerships between academic departments, colleges, and research centres to address complex societal challenges, interdisciplinary research questions, and global sustainability goals.
  2. Foster interdisciplinary dialogue, knowledge exchange, and collaboration through interdisciplinary seminars, research symposia, and cross-disciplinary working groups.
  3. Establish joint degree programs, dual enrolment opportunities, and interdisciplinary minors to provide students with diverse educational pathways and holistic learning experiences.

Continuous Improvement and Evaluation

  1. Establish mechanisms for monitoring, evaluating, and assessing the impact of quality enhancement initiatives on student learning outcomes, faculty development, and institutional effectiveness.
  2. Collect and analyse data on key performance indicators, student satisfaction surveys, and programmatic assessments to measure progress, identify areas for improvement, and inform decision-making.
  3. Conduct regular reviews, retrospectives, and lessons learned sessions to reflect on the effectiveness, sustainability, and scalability of quality enhancement initiatives and make adjustments as needed.