Policy, Vision, and Mission of the Quality Assurance and Academic Standards Committee (QAASC)


The Quality Assurance and Academic Standards Committee (QAASC) of Covenant University is committed to upholding the highest standards of academic excellence and ensuring the quality of education provided to our students. Guided by our core values of integrity, excellence, and innovation, we strive to create an environment that fosters continuous improvement, accountability, and transparency in all aspects of academic affairs and students support systems.


Our vision is to gain global recognition in the promotion of academic excellence and theadvancement of quality assurance practices within Covenant University and beyond.


The mission of the QAASC is to safeguard the integrity of academic programs, uphold the principles of fairness and equity, and promote the holistic development of students in accordance with the Total Man Concept.

Aligned with the mission of Covenant University, we are committed to:

  1. Ensuring that academic programs and activities adhere to established standards of
    quality and rigor;
  2. Providing guidance and support to faculty, staff, and students in the implementation of best practices in teaching, learning, and assessment;
  3. Engaging in continuous review and evaluation of academic policies, procedures, and curricula to enhance relevance and effectiveness;
  4. Collaborating with internal and external stakeholders to benchmark against global best
    practices and standards; and
  5. Promoting a culture of excellence, integrity, and accountability in all academic endeavors.

Action Plans and Projections

The QAASC aims to continuously improve the quality of education, enhance students’ learning experiences, and contribute to the achievement of Covenant University’s mission and vision by implementing the following action plans and projections:

Enhance Curriculum Review and Development

  1. Conduct a comprehensive review of the curriculum of existing academic programmes to ensure alignment with industry trends, technological advancements, and evolving educational needs.
  2. Collaborate with faculty members, industry experts, and other stakeholders to identify areas for curriculum enhancement and innovation.
  3. Develop and implement strategies to integrate interdisciplinary perspectives, practical experiences, and emerging technologies into the curriculum.

Strengthen Assessment and Evaluation Practices

  1. Implement a systematic assessment framework to measure student learning outcomes and programme effectiveness.
  2. Enhance assessment methods and tools to foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity among students.
  3. Provide faculty members with training and resources on effective assessment practices and data analysis techniques.

Promote Faculty Development and Recognition

  1. Organize workshops, seminars, and professional development sessions to support faculty members in enhancing their teaching effectiveness, research productivity, and professional growth.
  2. Recognise and reward faculty members who demonstrate excellence in teaching, research, and service to the University community
  3. Facilitate opportunities for collaborative research, interdisciplinary collaboration, and knowledge exchange among faculty members.

Foster Student Engagement and Support

  1. Develop initiatives to enhance student engagement, participation, and success in academic and co-curricular activities.
  2. Establish support mechanisms, such as academic advising, tutoring services, and mentorship programs, to assist students in achieving their academic and personal goals.
  3. Promote a culture of inclusivity, diversity, and respect to create a supportive learning environment for all students.

Strengthen Quality Assurance Processes

  1. Review and update quality assurance policies, procedures, and guidelines to ensure compliance with accreditation standards and regulatory requirements.
  2. Conduct regular audits and evaluations of academic programmes, facilities, and support services to identify areas for improvement and enhancement.
  3. Implement measures to monitor and address issues related to academic integrity, student grievances, and ethical conduct.

Enhance Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration

  1. Foster partnerships and collaborations with industry partners, government agencies, and community organizations to enhance the relevance and impact of academic programmes.
  2. Solicit feedback and input from students, alumni, employers, and other stakeholders to inform decision-making and programmatic improvements.
  3. Establish advisory boards or committees comprised of external experts and industry leaders to provide guidance and support on strategic initiatives.

Implement Technology-Enabled Solutions

  1. Explore the use of technology-enabled solutions, such as learning management systems, data analytics tools, and virtual simulations, to enhance teaching, learning, and assessment practices.
  2. Invest in infrastructure upgrades and digital resources to support online learning, remote collaboration, and flexible delivery modes.
  3. Provide training and support to faculty members and students in utilising technology effectively for educational purposes.

Monitor Progress and Evaluate Impact

  1. Develop key performance indicators (KPIs) and benchmarks to monitor progress towards achieving strategic objectives and goals.
  2. Establish mechanisms for on-going data collection, analysis, and reporting to track the effectiveness and impact of initiatives.
  3. Conduct periodic reviews and evaluations to assess the outcomes, identify lessons learned, and make adjustments as necessary to optimize results.

Policies and Procedures

These policies and procedures serve as guidelines for promoting academic excellence, ensuring quality assurance, and upholding ethical standards within Covenant University.

Academic Program Approval and Review

  1. Procedure for proposing, reviewing, and approving new academic programs, courses, and curriculum revisions.
  2. Criteria and guidelines for evaluating the quality, relevance, and alignment of proposed academic programs with institutional goals and accreditation standards.
  3. Timeline and process for conducting periodic reviews and assessments of existing academic programs to ensure continuous improvement and alignment with industry trends.

Assessment and Evaluation Practices

  1. Policy on assessment methods, tools, and procedures used to measure student learning outcomes and program effectiveness.
  2. Guidelines for designing, implementing, and analysing assessment activities to inform curriculum development, instructional strategies, and program improvements.
  3. Procedures for reporting assessment findings, outcomes, and recommendations to relevant stakeholders, including faculty, administrators, and accreditation bodies.

Academic Integrity and Ethical Conduct

  1. Policy on academic integrity, plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic misconduct, including definitions, consequences, and procedures for addressing violations.
  2. Procedures for investigating and adjudicating allegations of academic dishonesty, ensuring fairness, due process, and confidentiality for all parties involved.
  3. Measures to promote awareness, education, and prevention of academic misconduct among students, faculty, and staff through orientation programs, workshops, and outreach activities.

Curriculum Design and Development

  1. Guidelines for developing and revising curriculum frameworks, learning objectives, and course content to align with programmatic goals and accreditation standards.
  2. Procedures for conducting needs assessments, stakeholder consultations, and industry analyses to inform curriculum design and development.
  3. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness, relevance, and currency of instructional materials, resources, and learning technologies used in the curriculum.
  4. Faculty Qualifications and Professional Development.
  5. Policy on faculty qualifications, credentials, and competencies required for teaching, research, and service roles within the university.
  6. Procedures for recruiting, hiring, and evaluating faculty members based on established criteria, including academic credentials, teaching effectiveness, scholarly achievements, and service contributions.
  7. Guidelines for supporting faculty development, including opportunities for continuing education, research funding, sabbatical leaves, and professional growth.

Student Support Services and Resources

  1. Policy on student support services, including academic advising, counselling, tutoring, and disability accommodations, to promote student success and well-being.
  2. Procedures for accessing and utilizing student support resources, including eligibility criteria, service delivery models, and referral pathways.
  3. Measures to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of student support services, gather feedback from students, and make improvements based on identified needs and priorities.

Accreditation and Quality Assurance Compliance

  1. Policy on accreditation requirements, quality assurance frameworks, and regulatory standards applicable to academic programs and institutional operations.
  2. Procedures for preparing, submitting, and maintaining documentation, evidence, and reports required for accreditation reviews, audits, and evaluations.
  3. Measures to ensure on-going compliance with accreditation standards, regulatory requirements, and best practices in higher education through regular monitoring, assessment, and improvement.